
Greeter Overview  – “Ministry of First Impressions”

• We use the online tool “SignUp Genius” for scheduling Greeters.  This will allow everyone to select dates and times when they are available.   You will receive an email from Signup Genius when you are added to the list so you can go there and sign in to make your selections of dates and times.  Also, if you arrive at church and greeters aren’t at the door you enter, then it would be helpful if you could fill in for the scheduled greeters until they arrive.

• Please arrive at church at least   15 minutes before the service starts.  Pick up and wear your Greeter name tag in the Welcome Center in the Narthex top shelf.

• Greet everyone as they enter the church.  We need to make sure that all who enter are made to feel welcome, whether they are longtime members, or first time visitors, or anything in between.  It’s important to find out if visitors are first time visitors, or if they are returning to worship at St. Paul’s.

• Be especially aware of first time visitors to our church.  Extend a friendly hand and introduce yourself to him/her and get his/her name.  Make sure to give them a welcome pamphlet, (which are available close to the doors), and point out that it contains information of the Welcome Team members and our church’s website for additional information about our congregation.

• If possible, introduce the visitors to congregation members who are entering to attend worship.

• Let visitors know that there are black books in the pews where they can write their information, so that the Pastor(s) can follow up with them by phone and/or by email.  The greeters can assist by making the Pastor(s) aware of these visitors.

• Ensure that they know where the sanctuary is, and if greeting from the back door, one of the two greeters there can escort the visitors to the sanctuary.  Also point out where the restrooms are located.  Make them aware of the availability of children’s Worship Boxes, large print worship booklets and hearing assistance devices, if applicable.

• After sharing “the Peace”, the Front Door greeters are responsible for bringing the Communion elements (bread and wine, which will be located under the new members’ bulletin board), up to the Altar behind the ushers.  The ushers will give the offering plates to the Acolyte, will then move to the side, and the greeters will then step up to the Altar and give the elements one at a time to the Presiding Minister.  They will then return down the main aisle to the back of the church.

• Any questions or concerns can be directed to any member of the Welcome Team:

Linda Grund (302) 824-5780)
Kaye Tyson (302) 838-0618

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